Steps to buy in this website:
Go to frontpage or shop page to select a product or product.
From the product you have selected, choose variation (if available) that you want and click Add To Cart button.
On the cart icon (top on pc and bottom on mobile), you can see total items in the cart. Click the icon and view cart.
In cart, you can edit product quantity or remove any product you want.
Also select your shipping option.
Then, click Proceed to Checkout.
At the Checkout page, you have to enter your billing and shipping details.
Please enter the correct info to avoid any delivery issue.
Then, click on Pay with Billplz button.
After clicking Pay with Billplz button, you will be redirected to Payment page.
Select you bank you want and proceed the payment until success.
If your payment is successful, you will be redirected to Thank You page.
Here you can see your order details.
You also will receive an email about the order.
Now your order is being process by HQ.
After your order completed and being delivered, you will receive an email telling you about the order current status.
Also about the tracking number associate with the order.
You can track the order by login into My Account or check your tracking number in Order tracking page.